What’s Happening at LVPC "Vacation Bible school"
We are having a terrific time and learning about the town of Nazareth and Jesus' childhood while in his hometown.
We have our Marketplace shops: Carpentry shop/Bead Bazaar/Synagogue School/Olive Oil Shop
Day 1 was spent on the biblical point that Jesus had a family - & we do TOO.
{Mary is chosen to be Jesus' Mother.} (Luke 1:26-38)
We sang: "God With Us", "Great Things", & "Nothing Is Impossible."
We went to Mary's house & heard about a time when an angel gave Mary a Surprising Message!
Day 2!: Jesus had a name...We do too!
{Jesus is born and gets His name.} (Luke 2:1-40)
Songs sung were: "What Child Is this?", "Angels We Have Heard on High".
KEY VERSE: I have called you by name; You are Mine. (Isaiah 43:11)
**During the Hometown Huddle, children received a fun I.D. Wristband to help remember they are part of GOD's family.
Day 3!: Bible point- Jesus had a home…we do too. The Bible story was Jesus’ family escapes to Egypt focusing on verses (Matthew 2:13-14, 19-23).
One of the questions asked by the leaders was: What’s the most fun thing you’ve done so far in your visit to my hometown- Nazareth?
Day 4!: Bible point- Jesus went to church…We do too. Think a moment about how Jesus might have felt in the Temple and did he feel closer to God there, where people worshipped and read God‘s word?
Some activity fun we had was working with a variety of obstacles; such as ropes and rolled up socks & inflated beach balls, blindfolds, and bandannas.
Day 5 was focused in on the biblical point that Jesus served others…we do too..
Bible verse: “Serve one another in Love.” (Galatians 5:13)
~A Special thanks to all our many leaders and volunteers who are making this event so SPECIAL & Memorable.