Our Team-Meet Our Staff & Ministry Leaders
We’re here to serve you!
God has blessed us with a Pastor who is faithful to God's Word, an Elder Team committed to caring for the congregation, and Staff dedicated to our vision.
Rev. Heather Morrison Yaden
The Reverend Heather Morrison Yaden serves as the Pastor of Long Valley Presbyterian Church. Pastor Heather has ministered for over 30 years, and worked as an intentional interim pastor for over 20 years. This helped her learn that all ministry (and all life) is about change and transformation. She enjoys meeting new people, sees ministry as relational and values the healing work of being the church for one another.
Pastor Heather enjoys helping churches discover who they are and what their gifts are, and coming to understand exactly what they are called to do in ministry together. All of us can grow and be challenged as we ask “what does it mean to be together as the church community?” Pastor Heather’s experience will serve as a guide to Long Valley Presbyterian Church and help the congregation articulate what the community we serve needs, determining how we are called to minister to and serve others.
Pastor Heather grew up in Morristown, NJ, and has pastored churches in NJ and NY. She met and married her husband Bill at Camp Johnsonburg. Bill’s careers have been in both Christian camping ministry and the U.S. Coast Guard. They live over the border in PA, and have two grown children.
Chris Goodyear - Mission
Art Hance - Buildings & Grounds
Tricia Hayes - Worship
Leah Korbel - Christian Education
Brenda Nast - Finance
DanKnauer - Buildings & Grounds
Gary Rowe - Gifts & Talents
Cathy Speranza - Fellowship
Gary Woodring - Personnel
Cheryl Granat {LVPC Clerk of Session}
Juliann Beasley/Community Wellness {A-C}
OPEN/Youth Deacon – College Care
Lisa Woodring/Community Outreach {L – P}
Phyllis Prestamo/Community Outreach (LVCAP Trustee) {R – S}
Patty Remshifski/New Members {T – Z}
Linda Rowe/Special Events {H – K }
DEACON MODERATOR, Nancy Soga/Church Family {D – G}
Rob Walters serves as our Choir Director, doing an outstanding job. Our choir sings practices every Thursday evening and sing at Sunday worship. Their weekly anthems uplift our worship!
We are so grateful for his leadership and many musical gifts!
Helene Friedlander serves as our Musician/Choir Accompanist. She does an outstanding job leading our hymns and the various musical aspects of our weekly service. Bio: Helene is an accomplished pianist and educator. She holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Piano Performance from the Manhattan School of Music. Throughout her career, Helene has made significant contributions to the world of music education and performance.
Meet Ruby Knox. Ruby serves as another of our beloved Musician/Choir Accompanists. She is now our more-or-less permanent backup! We love having Ruby with us & making her musical contributions to this church! Bio: Mrs. Knox holds a Bachelor of Music Education Degree with both Voice & Piano Certifications. Committed to community service, Mrs. Knox has conducted performances in hospitals, convention centers, schools, churches, family homes, civic halls & many organizations.
Kim Lucci-Office Administrator (admin@lvpc.net)
Kim became our church office administrator in 2019. She is married to Frank and the mom of two beautiful girls. Her experience related to her current position garnered her a volunteer for 2+ years in the non-profit sector with a ministry in the Lehigh Valley of PA as administrator, personal aid & mission’s front desk operator. Her valued service applied a level of decorum to the face of the ministry & the people she served. At the time of her departure, the ministry closed to move on to greater things and so Kim then gained a position as front desk liaison for a marketing and media firm in the Lehigh Valley. From there she relocated to Asbury, NJ & Kim has been with LVPC ever since! Kim is the upbeat & helpful one answering the phone and addressing any concerns or questions. Kim was raised in Hackettstown and attended Hackettstown High School. Kim loves her job & the people she serves in Long Valley are not just passerby’s— but family!
Kim is our church office manager.